
7 Steps to Get to An Incubator Startup

Alex Ventura
21 February 2024
5 min read

7 Essential Steps to Launch Your Startup with an Incubator

In the dynamic world of startups, incubator programs stand out as beacons of guidance and support for early-stage companies. These programs are designed to nurture young businesses, providing them with the resources, mentorship, and funding necessary to grow and thrive. At Venturely, we understand the transformative potential of finding the right incubator for your startup, and we want to help you succeed in your entrepreneurial journey.

That's why we're committed to guiding innovators through this challenging journey.

Step 1: Ideation and Market Research

Before diving into the world of incubators, the first step is to solidify your startup idea. This involves extensive market research to identify a viable niche, understand your target audience, and analyze competitors. A strong, well-researched idea forms the foundation of a successful incubator application.


  • [ ]  Identify a problem your startup aims to solve.
  • [ ]  Conduct surveys, interviews, and use online tools to gather data about your target market.
  • [ ]  Analyze competitors to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

Step 2: Develop a Business Plan

A comprehensive business plan is your roadmap to success. It should detail your business model, market strategy, financial projections, and the unique value proposition of your product or service. Incubators look for startups with clear, executable plans that demonstrate potential for growth and innovation.


  • [ ]  Define your business’s mission, vision, and core values.
  • [ ]  Outline your business model, including revenue streams and cost structure.
  • [ ]  Detail your marketing strategy and sales plan.
  • [ ]  Learn more about how to write a winning business plan.

Step 3: Build a Prototype

Having a prototype or minimum viable product (MVP) can significantly boost your application's appeal to incubators. It shows commitment to your idea and provides a tangible proof of concept that potential mentors and investors can interact with.


  • [ ]  Draft the design and features of your prototype based on customer needs.
  • [ ]  Develop a working prototype using cost-effective methods.
  • [ ]  Test the prototype with potential users and gather feedback for improvements.

Step 4: Strengthen Your Team

The strength of your team can be a decisive factor for incubator programs. Assemble a group of individuals with complementary skills, shared vision, and the resilience to navigate the challenges of startup development. A well-rounded team indicates a higher capacity for sustained growth and success. If you want to quickly complete the checklist for this step, the Teams Brain on is there for you, to identify your ideal team with the help of AI.


  • [ ]  Identify key roles and skills needed in your team.
  • [ ]  Network in industry events and platforms like LinkedIn to find talent.
  • [ ]  Create a culture that aligns with your startup’s values and mission.

Step 5: Research and Select the Right Incubator

Not all incubators are created equal. Research extensively to find an incubator that aligns with your startup’s industry, values, and goals. Consider factors like the program’s mentorship structure, funding opportunities, network access, and the success rate of its alumni.


  • [ ]  List incubators that align with your industry and values.
  • [ ]  Evaluate the success rate of incubators’ alumni and the support services they offer.
  • [ ]  Reach out to alumni for firsthand insights and advice on your top choices.

Step 6: Prepare Your Pitch

Your pitch is a crucial element of the application process. It should succinctly convey the essence of your business, the problem it solves, and why it matters. Practice delivering your pitch confidently and clearly, focusing on what sets your startup apart and how it benefits from the incubator's support.


  • [ ]  Craft a compelling story that highlights the uniqueness of your startup.
  • [ ]  Highlight key data points, such as market size and growth projections.
  • [ ]  Rehearse your pitch with mentors and peers to refine delivery and content.

Step 7: Apply and Follow Through

With your preparations complete, it's time to apply. Tailor your application to reflect the specific criteria and values of the incubator. After submitting, stay proactive. Network within the startup ecosystem, seek feedback, and continue refining your business model and product.


  • [ ]  Ensure your application answers all questions thoroughly and reflects your startup’s potential.
  • [ ]  Follow up on your application with a polite inquiry or additional information that strengthens your case.
  • [ ]  Continue to network and seek feedback to improve your business proposition while awaiting a response.

A Real Game-Changer

Joining an incubator can be a game-changer for early-stage startups, offering a structured path from ideation to market entry. By following these steps entrepreneurs and innovators can significantly increase their chances of acceptance into an incubator program. The journey of building a startup is challenging but immensely rewarding. At Venturely, we offer a comprehensive platform that helps innovators and mentors achieve success together. Learn more about how our solutions can assist you at every step of the way!

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Alex Ventura
21 February 2024
5 min read